When my due date was pushed back to September 30, I was disappointed for the obvious reason of knowing that I might have to wait longer to meet Annika. And also…you know – I’d have to be pregnant longer.
Lee was disappointed for another reason.
“I want to be able to say I had all my kids before I turned 40,” he admitted. And who can blame the guy, right?
Today my husband hits a milestone birthday, and I have to say – he wears 40 well.
I am 40 shades of thankful for this man. Last night I approached my first new-baby meltdown moment. After only 5 hours sleep in almost three days, I was so tired I physically couldn’t keep my eyes open. He whisked the baby out of my arms and took her to the other room, and though I didn’t sleep much, I was able to rest enough to get through the night as I listened to him croon his love for his new daughter.
I love being married to Lee Stuart. After fourteen years together, he still makes me laugh every day. He and I could not be more perfectly suited, and yes, sometimes we drive each other crazy, but mostly we just have a lot of fun.
There are so many things I want to say, so many ways I want to honor this husband of mine, but new-baby-lack-of-sleep-recuperating-from-childbirth-birth syndrome has left my brain fried. So I will simply leave it at this:
I am beyond blessed, and it all starts here with this man. He’s funny, kind, wise, brilliant, kinda dorky and, according to Tia, REALLY COOL!
Happy Birthday to the love of my life, and the father of my four babies.
All of which he had before he turned 40.
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Congratulations to the man that makes my American sister happy. I’ve heard so many nice things about him that I have no doubts that my sweet faraway friend is married to a good guy who is not a guy anymore 🙂 as he turns 40 and has got 4 kids!!! God bless your BIG family.
Happy Birthday to your man! And happy you’re-not-pregnant-anymore to you!
Happy Birthday, Lee! You got yourself a good one, Kelli! Enjoy that new baby of yours…and get some rest when you can!