The Momingest Mom Post I’ve Ever Written

I haven't written a blog post in many, many moons. Five years, maybe? Six? I don't know, but in internet years it is about 469 years that I've been absent, and yet here I am, dusting off Ye Olde Blog. Why, you ask? I'll tell you! My son needs a photo of himself playing soccer to be published...

The Call to Mastery: A New Podcast

I recently had the privilege to sit down for a podcast interview with my friend, Jordan Raynor, to discuss the the sometimes tense, but often beautiful, writer life from the perspective of faith and work. Say that five times fast. Jordan is the bestselling author of Called to Create, a book...

Hope Is Slow: The Story of Adoption: Part III

If I'm honest, (and I'm going to be), I have been waiting since day one for the bottom to drop out of this adoption thing. Every time an email showed up in my inbox from the adoption agency, I braced myself for the news that for whatever reason we would not be able to move forward. There is...

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