A Woman’s Right to Choose: We Have Failed
I've let this post simmer a little bit, not really sure if I wanted to tackle it. In general I do like to avoid controversy, but the more I chewed on this one, the more I realized that it was simply too much. Because not enough people are standing up in outrage over this. Not enough of us are...
Why You Should Host a Creative Retreat
Four years ago, I got on a plane and headed West. My friend and writing cohort suggested a weekend away to focus on our crafts, and it sounded like exactly the thing I needed to jump start a few projects. That was the birth place of our Creative Retreat. Today, Wendy told you how to plan and...
The Battle for Preference
On Sunday night, a woman that most of us never met, but who we felt like we knew, lost her brave battle with cancer. Over the past months, we've watched and we've cried, and we've wished it was different. It's not supposed to be like this, is it? Kara Tippets left this world with her family by...
What To Do When Life Leaves You Weary
I am not a curse word kind of girl. I know that there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, some would actually laud that as a good thing, and it is. I've told my kids that curse words are really just lazy words. We can always find a better word to describe how we're feeling without dropping a...