The Stories They’ll Remember

We are coming down off the mountain of Spring Break this week. It's been a truly lovely week together as a family, and I'm grateful for every moment of it. I'm also grateful for the return of our routine. One of the things Lee and I are working on is living life with intentionality. We have a...

It’s Okay To Want It

I crawled out of bed early this morning. Not by choice, of course. My covers were warm, and after spending three nights on a rickety pull out couch in a hotel, I wanted to stay nestled on my cottony mattress forever. Forever and ever. But the seven year old had nightmares, and just as I drifted...

The Writer’s Life

My brain is always going. Every moment of the day is spent watching and imagining. I see strangers on the street, and I immediately imagine their background. Characters come to life in the personalities that pass me on the sidewalk. Observation is both the blessing and the curse placed squarely...

Spring Break

Isn't that an amazing quote? I love C. S. Lewis. We are on Spring Break this week, taking a much needed time away from the daily grind of an over-scheduled life. We will be on a bit of an adventure as the six of us share one hotel room. This could either be miraculous or a total disaster....

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