Cinderella: A Fairytale Come to Life
Reviewing movies is always a funny business to me, because opinions are so very subjective. What I find enjoyable, the next person finds laughable. I've found that most "critically acclaimed" films are not all that interesting to me, while the rest of society seems to find them wildly...
Dream Chasing
I watched her through the glass, her tiny, muscular body swinging and pushing through yet another bar routine. It’s not often that I have the opportunity to sit and just watch these days. Life is busy and the demands are high, so watching is a luxury. But I really love to watch her in her...
I Am The Perfect Mother
It's 2:00 am and he's splayed across the bed, hot breath on my cheek, dirty feet hanging off the edge. Why does he sleep like this? His arm swings up and flops across my cheek and I jerk my head away in response, because it hurts and I'm annoyed, and why does he sleep like this? I stumble out...