The Christian Artist vs. The Christian Who Makes Art: Part II
Lee and I circled the podium and, like everyone else around us, our eyes turned upward in awe. Mouths slightly agape, breathless at the sight of one of the greatest pieces of art of all time. We were in Florence, Italy and we were standing in front of the Statue of the David. To say that this...
The Christian Artist vs. The Christian Who Makes Art
The auditorium was packed, hundreds of literary hopefuls, avid readers, admiring law students, and simple fans all squeezed in together to hear one of the most respected and prolific writers of our time tell his story. It was 2000, my senior year at Baylor University, and my eyes gleamed with...
Join me there
The stomach flu, that most unwelcome of visitors, has made a pit stop at our house. I shouldn't complain. We haven't met up with the the stomach bug in years. He was bound to stop by at some point. Landon is down for the count, though I'm hoping the worst of it is behind him. And I'm going to...
Viva La Minivan!
An actual conversation I overheard yesterday while out running errands. Teenage cashier to the lady in front of me: "How are you today?" Lady: "Fine." Teenage cashier: "It's so nice outside, isn't it?" Lady: "It sure is." Teenage cashier: "Do you have any fun plans today?" Lady: "Actually my...