While the fires burn

"We're moving." I was in sixth grade when my parents sat my brother and I down and broke the news. We were leaving snowy Wisconsin and headed to St. Louis. As an eleven year old girl with a flare for the dramatic, I was certain that my life would end as we pulled away from our home. If I...

Everything and Nothing

I have a confession: I desperately miss the carefree days of blogging at Minivans Are Hot. It was time to move on, and I'm glad that I did, but I do miss that space. I miss the random and ridiculous, and all the laughter. So I decided that this space is going to have to lighten up a bit every...

Living to Live: Thoughts on Building a Platform

I sat on the bench and marveled at the birds splashing in the puddle in front of me. Sitting high on a hill overlooking Kiev, Ukraine, I reveled in the warmth of the midday sun. Winter was fast approaching, but one last Indian Summer (or Baba Leta as it's known in Russian) pushed off the...

I want to tell you about the rainbow

"Mom, can you get me some milk?" "Mom, he hit me!" "Mom, I don't get this problem. I need your help." "Mom, does the 'Y' at the end of this word make the 'EE' sound like 'happy,' or the 'I' sound like 'cry?' "Mom, I can't find my (fill in the blank)." "Mom!" "MOM!" "MOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!" And...

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