I want to tell you about the rainbow

"Mom, can you get me some milk?" "Mom, he hit me!" "Mom, I don't get this problem. I need your help." "Mom, does the 'Y' at the end of this word make the 'EE' sound like 'happy,' or the 'I' sound like 'cry?' "Mom, I can't find my (fill in the blank)." "Mom!" "MOM!" "MOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!" And...

These are the stories you should tell

The sky was grey the day I met him. It was 2003, and I was in Kiev, Ukraine looking on a quest to speak with the men and women who'd fought valiantly in "The Great Patriotic War." Leonid sat behind his desk and looked at me warily, not generally accustomed to people wanting to hear his story....

The Tenuous Art

I had big plans for after Annika was born. Because I'd done this baby thing three times before, I just assumed that life would go back to the way it once was, forgetting completely that babies change everything. There was, of course, a small part of me that new it would be tricky these first...

Mercy Full of Grace

Six weeks ago, we welcomed our fourth child into our family. It's been a whirlwind month and a half as we've adjusted to having a baby in the house once again. I forgot how much work small babies are. Mother's amnesia is a real thing, and it is the only reason that the human race is still...

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