31 Days: Baby of the Year

I am officially throwing my name in the hat for Baby of the Year. Here's why I believe I should win. First, clearly I am adorable. Try to argue with me - I dare you. Second, I'm five and a half weeks old and I'm sleeping anywhere from 6-7 hours a night regularly. Last night I slept 9 hours...

31 Days: To Target and Back

Mom-lady fed me quickly this morning. I should have known something was up the way she was rushing me through my morning routine. I thought it was maybe because she wanted to hang out with me and look lovingly into my eyes. Turns out she just wanted to take me on errands. She took me to some...

31 Days: Just Photos

Mom-lady decided to have another little photo session this morning. I mean, really. I've paid her back by only cat-napping all day and bellowing for food at every opportunity.   I WIN AGAIN!   This month, I’m linking up with The Nester for this 31 Day series as I survive the newborn...

31 Days: The Pros and Cons of Allume

I've decided that the conference life is not really for me. While mom-lady seems to be have a slam-bang time, I am more exhausted than anything else. Blogger ladies are noisy. They are also a verbose bunch, and when they all cackle at the same time it sounds like an explosion of joy, which one...

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