Tips for When a Creative Doesn’t Feel Creative
I've been in a bit of a slump lately. There's so much good stuff happening right now: books releasing, speaking engagements, book signings, school starting, toddlers talking - all of it is awesome. But it's also all really overwhelming. Currently, I am caught in the vortex of necessary work,...
An Invitation to Celebrate a Life Creative
I was twenty years old, and I was living alone in Kiev, Ukraine. Not totally alone, of course. I was living with a young, Ukrainian couple who spoke English (but often refused to speak it because they wanted me to become fluent in Russian), but I didn't have any peers with me on the trip. I was...
We’re all Aly Raisman’s Parents, and We All Deserve a Hug
The Olympics are killing me. This happens every four years. The greatest sports competition in the world takes the stage, and I forget to sleep for two weeks. I try to be a responsible adult, and I tell myself over and over that I won't stay up and watch every event, but I'm a sucker for human...
The Calming Power of Silence
I didn't realize how much I loved silence until I didn't have it. There is a cacophony of sound that thrums it's way through the walls of my home from very early until very late. Laughter, whining, shrieks of delight, cries of frustration, music, television, arguing, playing, balls bouncing,...