31 Days of Infant Photos and Musings


Hi all.

Annika here.

I’m dictating my thoughts on life to the mom-lady telepathically while I nurse.


This is how I usually look when I’m giving the mom-lady the 4-1-1 on this thing called living:


To the untrained eye, I look like any other sleeping baby, but really I am a ninja of the mind. This is just my disguise.

Incidentally, I’m also hungry all the time, which means mom-lady and I are basically attached to one another. This gives me ample amounts of time to let her know all about how life is rolling along as I see it.

This mom-lady is actually handy to have around because all I have to do is let out a short wail and she’s at my beck and call. It’s awesome. So far it’s the best thing about living on the outside.

Eight days ago, I was wrapped tight in a  cocoon. It was quiet and safe. No one poked me or stuck thermometer in my rear end (that was…different), or expected me to sleep for hours on end without nourishment.

Life on earth is scary.

But mom-lady is nice. So’s the guy they call “dad.” I like how he smells, but he doesn’t give me food, so he’s not my number one favorite. I have a feeling, though, that someday he will be super fun to hang around.

There are also three other people in this house with us. And a dog, but the dog ignores me, which is fine by me because from my vantage point she is just a giant hairy monster waiting to eat my face off.

I think I’m going to like the other three people, too. They kiss on me a lot, which is nice. Everybody likes to be kissed, right?

So for the next 31 Days, I’m going to be sharing what life looks like from my viewpoint. And mom-lady will be sharing pictures, because from what I can deduce, one of her hands has a built in camera attached to it.

My mom might be a robot…

31DaysmdJoin me in this 31 Day series as I survive the newborn haze of sleepless nights, endless nursing, and squeezing in life in twenty minute increments throughout the day. If you want to receive the posts directly in your email inbox, just leave your email address in the box on the sidebar, and subscribe so you don’t miss a post!

I’ll share photos every day, some of them good, and some of them mediocre, because baby leaves me little time to worry about taking and editing the perfect photos.

I’ll also be sharing my daughter’s thoughts, as dictated to me telepathically while she nurses, because she has informed me that she is a mind ninja, and I am merely her portal to the outside world.

Her words, not mine.


Day Two: Brangelina

Day Three: Joke’s on Her

Day Four: Swaddling 

Day Five: Kissable Lips

Day Six: Road Trips

Day Seven: Bath Time

Day Eight: Biggest Brother

Day Nine: Big Sister

Day Ten: Little Big Brother

Day Eleven: Expelling Waste

Day Twelve: Swimming

Day Thirteen: Infancy is Exhausting

Day Fourteen: Not Cool

Day Fifteen: I didn’t post today BECAUSE I’M A BABY, PEOPLE! STOP PRESSURING ME!

Day Sixteen: Party in the USA

Day Seventeen: Help Me

Day Eighteen: No, I didn’t blog again today. I had to watch my brothers play soccer, then go to my sister’s gymnastics meet. Baby life is exhausting. WHO HAS TIME TO BLOG EVERY DAY???!!!

Day Nineteen: The Bird

Day Twenty: Nope – Didn’t blog. I am done feeling guilty about this…

Day Twenty-One: The Magical Beach

Day Twenty-Two: Leaving on a Jet Plane

Day Twenty-Three: All About That Bass

Day Twenty-Four: Sorry, no post today. I was too busy hobnobbing with the blogger ladies of Allume

Day Twenty-Five: The Pros and Cons of Allume

Day Twenty-six: Nothing. Nothing at all

Day Twenty-Seven: Sorry. Playing catch up on my sleep after traveling yesterday. Need my beauty sleep.

Day Twenty-Eight: Photo Session. 

Day Twenty-Nine: To Target and Back

Day Thirty: Baby of the Year

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