I haven’t written a blog post in many, many moons. Five years, maybe? Six? I don’t know, but in internet years it is about 469 years that I’ve been absent, and yet here I am, dusting off Ye Olde Blog.

Why, you ask?

I’ll tell you!

My son needs a photo of himself playing soccer to be published somewhere on the internet in the hopes that we can find it in Google Images and paste it into an online program. He doesn’t really have a digital footprint, and I AM OKAY WITH THIS!

But, in the world of high school teens these days, we have relegated them to needing SOME kind of digital presence in order to accomplish certain goals. I’m not a fan of this. It bothers me for a lot of reasons, but alas, here we are.

I’m playing the game so that he can hopefully continue to play the game. I don’t know if this will work or if I’ll delete the post later. But I’m coming my way through this in an attempt to help the kid out. So, if you get this email in your inbox randomly and you’re confused by it, don’t worry, I am too! I’m not even sure I understand how to publish a post on this forum anymore, it’s been so long.

But while we’re all here, how the heck are you doing? What’s new with you? Share your good news, your hard news, all the news because I don’t know when I’ll be back again. Consider this a digital reunion of sorts only without the need to make awkward small talk.

The End.

(PS: This is the photo that needs to be published on the web so that Google will take notice. This is the life and world of Landon Stuart. Head down kicking a soccer ball day in and day out.)

Landon Stuart taking a corner kick at Steinbrenner High School

Landon Stuart Corner Kick

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