Hope is Slow: The Story of Adoption (Part II)

Hurricane Florence has stalled out over the Atlantic as the Carolinas hunker down and wait for her to make landfall. I'm watching it all unfold with a mild sense of PTSD after we rode out Irma last year (which hit us at a Category 2 when it was all said and done). It's an odd sensation,...

Blessings and Adieu

Nine years ago, I started my first blog. Like a lot of people, I didn't start off smoothly. It was a rough few months figuring out exactly what a blog should be, how to tell a story in a way that was interesting, how to share what was happening in our lives without oversharing. Blogging filled...

Sparkle in the Cracks

I've been at this parenting gig for awhile now. Not long enough to call myself an expert, but definitely long enough to feel like I've got a handle on a few things. Of course, I've got a teenager now, and a tween right behind him, so on any given day I pretty much feel like I'm winging it in...

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