The Secret Garden

I was young, maybe nine or ten, when I first saw The Secret Garden. Upon finishing the film, I immediately traipsed out into the Wisconsin woods behind our home and looked for the perfect tree in which to sit and read. The trees were romantic and mysterious then. I wanted to soak up the rustle...

Preparing to Launch

"I don't know how you're doing it all." I've heard that phrase over and over since I announced that I was having not one, but two books published next year. And homeschooling on top of that. And my reply is always the same. Me neither! (And then I secretly wonder if I should have said Me...

The Sky Weeps

EDITED TO UPDATE: On January 22, 2019, New York governor Andrew Cuomo passed a law legalizing abortion up until birth. I have re-shared this post to address this current development. Replace "Planned Parenthood" in this article with "New York City" and the discussion remains valid. For an...

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