Almost a Dozen

His voice drifted from one room to the next, clear and sweet, piercing my heart with one of those melty motherhood warm-fuzzies. "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound..." The sound was sweet, indeed. Annika got shots yesterday, which threw everything off. Naps were later, meals were sporadic, and...

When No is the Only Word You Hear

I work in a profession that requires thick skin. I put my heart out there, tapping each beat to the rhythm of my keyboard, and I hand it to a friend, an editor, the world via a blog post, and then I wait for the feedback. I learned to accept criticism in college. My senior year, the class...


I don't really know where to start this story. Julie Andrews says we should start at the very beginning. It's a very good place to start. So maybe I should start in 1995, when I was a junior in high school and I visited Kiev, Ukraine for the first time. While there, I was invited to dinner at...

Pulling Away to Create

I signed a contract to write a book last week, and in the time since I made it official, I have had zero opportunity to write. None. I haven't been able to blog, to work on the book, or to make edits on another project. We've been on vacation, and I purposed this year to be fully engaged in...

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