GRACO Swivi Seat: It’s Practically a Cadillac
Yesterday I tripped on an exersaucer. It was easy enough to do since my house is now, once again, overrun by baby gear. I completely forgot how much stuff a fourteen pound baby accrues. Annika's gadgets now have the run of the joint, and I shake my head in wonder multiple times a day that we...
The Christian Artist vs. The Christian Who Makes Art: Part III
If you're just joining this conversation, you may want to read Part I first, then move to Part II for a little context as to how we got to this conclusion. I stood at the edge of the sidewalk and held my camera to my eye. Through the lens, I adjusted the settings and the focus until I had...
Today we celebrate this girl, and what a privilege it is to do so. Tia grows more beautiful every day, much to her dad's chagrin, and she is increasingly fun to be around. I could say a million things about her - about the...
The Christian Artist vs. The Christian Who Makes Art: Part II
Lee and I circled the podium and, like everyone else around us, our eyes turned upward in awe. Mouths slightly agape, breathless at the sight of one of the greatest pieces of art of all time. We were in Florence, Italy and we were standing in front of the Statue of the David. To say that this...