Looking Back, Looking Ahead
I've never been very good at stepping away. Perhaps one of my greatest flaws is my constant fear that I'm missing something. I've been this way my entire life. And, lucky me, I produced a child who is exactly the same. We don't like to miss a good time. This week I stepped away. I unplugged as...
A Quarter of a Year
Tia is learning fractions, which means I am relearning fractions again. I didn't get them the first time around when I was in school. Nor did I get them the second time around when Sloan started working on them. Either the third time's a charm, or there is officially no hope for me. Annika is a...
Underprepared and Living To Tell the Story
I am a preparer. I like organization, and I like things to run smoothly. I am also a parent of four rowdy children, which means I am constantly and forever being forced to slow my roll and accept that my life will not be organized for the next 20-ish years. And given the spacing of my children,...
The blend of familiar chords filled the room, and I closed my eyes. It had been a long few days, and I felt the weight of life squeezing my throat tight. I was tired, my eyes so heavy, the knot in my neck pulling my head slightly to the side. "Joy to the World, the Lord is Come. Let earth...