Man in the Mirror: A Philosophical Smack Down

"Why isn't anyone commenting on my blog?!" I hear this question at least once a day now that Sloan has his own blog. He's written all of two posts in the two weeks since he started it, and he's learning how to manage his expectations. Welcome to blogging, son. Yesterday after breakfast, he...

Raising Confident Girls in a Fast Paced World

She marched out onto the floor and stood at attention, and I was in awe. I don't know why my daughter's confidence still shocks me, but it does every time. When she steps onto the mat, she is so sure of herself. Though she's nervous, and she doesn't always execute every move perfectly, she...

Hope Is Slow – #GivingTuesday

It's been two and a half years since I boarded a plane to Tanzania. Two and a half years since I walked through the red dirt and cried, the images of abject poverty almost too much for my heart to comprehend. It's been two and a half years since a spunky toddler with a big, wide grin led me by...

When Breast Isn’t Best

I sat in the nurses station and glanced up at the wall. That's when my heart sank. Hanging on the wall was a poster that only confirmed, in my already emotional postpartum mind, that I was somehow failing my baby - that I had, in fact, failed all my children. It was my fault. I didn't try hard...

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