The Fabulous Freaks of Monsieur Beaumont

It was the whistle that drew them all in – that magical sound that cut through the dusty air and told the surrounding world that the circus had come to town. Only this wasn’t just any circus. This was Monsieur Beaumont’s Big Top, and people flocked from miles around to see the talented, unique freaks that made up Beaumont’s side show. From The World’s Tallest Man playing the harmonica while dancing a jig, to The Fat Lady who brought the audience to tears with her recitation of Shakespeare, and even a duo of small men who sang like angels, Monsieur Beaumont’s show changed the way the circus was done.
Tucked behind the curtain of Monsieur Beaumont’s side show, young Emmaline was billed as The Most Beautiful Girl in the World. An orphan with no control over her future, Emmaline spent her days cooped up in her train car, expected to be nothing but a pretty face. All this changed, however, when Peter, The Ugliest Boy in the World, joined the circus. Together, Peter and Emmaline would defy the cages that Monsieur Beaumont put them in.
A story of young love and adventure, The Fabulous Freaks of Monsieur Beaumont invites readers to see behind the curtain and into the truly extraordinary where we will be forced to examine the world around us and the people in it.