Behind the Scenes: The Story of Frederick

Writing a historical fiction novel is daunting. Setting a historical fiction novel in World War II Soviet Union might just be crazy. When I set out to write my novel, I wanted to develop a story that was as historically accurate as possible while still offering myself creative license. This...

Where the Present Touches Eternity

We didn't really know what to expect when we stepped into the house. We only knew it would be a unique experience. A Nigerian family from our church had invited us to celebrate the 50th birthday of their oldest sister with them. She is visiting America for the first time from Nigeria, and they...

A Portion of the Proceeds

It's no secret that orphan care is near and dear to my heart. It's something that I care about deeply. Some women long to have children naturally, and cannot, and adoption is the way they grow their families. I am, admittedly, quite the opposite. I longed to adopt the way that most women longed...

Behind the Scenes: The Story of Baba Mysa

We sat around a long table inside a very small room. It was hot and loud, all the sounds and smells mixing together in a cornucopia that threw my senses into overload. They'd made pizza for me, because I'm American and they felt pizza would be a comforting reminder of home. They weren't wrong....

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