The Girl in the Trees
I have this image of a younger version of myself - ten, maybe eleven - and she's tramping through the field behind our Wisconsin home. Just beyond the line of tall grasses that liked to tickle my waist stood the forest, thick and green, and begging for adventure. This little girl me loved to...
Four Kids = Easy
Lee is out of town for four days. That's important to know before reading further. It started at midnight on Saturday night (Sunday morning?) when Tia came into my room complaining of a headache and stomach ache. I gave her some medicine, then nestled her in bed with me, and while she slept I...
Slow Descent? Nah, Just Fall Into It
Ten hours and fifteen minutes after taking off from Munich, the plane finally began it's approach into the Atlanta airport. I couldn't even really feel excited over the sheer exhaustion of it all. Ten hours is a long time. I'd finished writing a chapter in my book, written the beginnings of a...
Salzburg is…
Salzburg is romantic castles towering high above the city. History and beauty, and so many stories tucked into the marred, stone walls. Salzburg is graveyards and flowers, and beautiful remembrances of loved ones lost. Salzburg is doors. So many magical, curious doors. Doors that might be...